Thursday, January 19, 2012


Even Mabel is mesmorized by this wind and snow.  Our front window is one of her favourite places in our house.  She does like to keep tabs on the kids going to school, dogs being walked and cars driving past.  She's our personal neighbourhood watch system - at least for half of the day.  The other half she's occupied sleeping, rolling around the floor and resting up for the next excitement.  So this part kind of defeats the first part.

We haven't had alot of snow yet this year so although this storm blew in hard it's not unwelcome.  It feels right to have snow in January.  I've heard by the weekend we'll be above zero again and rain is in the forecast but we'll just enjoy while it's here.

By mid afternoon Mabel instinctively knows to wait for the girls.  She looks out the window, paces around and sometimes even sits right at the door - so close to the door that you can barely get in.  Mabel is most content when we are all safely home and I have to say so am I.

One more to go.  Dinner is on the stove.  Soon we will be gathered around the table sharing our day with each other.  Sometimes it can be a pretty brief moment as homework needs to be done, hockey played and pirouettes are twirled but it's these moments that are worth waiting for at the end of the day.

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